(a constructive use of a study period)
Published on January 10, 2004 By stuman_uk_42 In Philosophy
Well hello my friends, as i said before i disproved god in my study period today (well at least to me) and so i wrote it down so if you enjoy this kind of thing or are real bored you can tkae a look at it if you wish .

Firstly lets start of with some wee things which need defining for this argument to work:
God is infinite
God is Truely Perfect
God is Immnent (as in he has the caperblitys to effect the areas withen our dimension)
God is all seeing and all Powerful

Space is Infinite

Existance is not Truely Perfect nor is it Absouloutly good (as in opposite of evil and)

So lets get this under way

For the maths bits:
God = G
Space = S
Perfect = P
Inperfect = I
Existance = E
The type face on this web page dosent support infinity signs so that shall be represented by = ¥

God (G) = Infinity (¥)
Space (S) = Infinity (¥)

If both are to co-exist then god must be every thing as you cannot have two infinite entitys in our Spatial Univers (as by defualt they are not infinite) (this idea dosent really effect god) So if god is every thing then he must be the sum of all parts with in space.

For the univers to be God then the univers must be perfect as god is perfect
For the univers to be perfect then it must not contain any imperfections (think of it as your perfect car but with a skoda badge on the front of it (it just wouldnt be TOTALY perfect)

However The existance of time cuases things to change, as there is only one true perfect form any divergance from this form would prevent it from being truely perfect (go back to the car analogy all the parts to you perfect car are the most perfect of those parts) as by something changing they must be moving away from being truely perfect.

I want to add an amendmant here after reading some posts people have made
im not claming you are and im grateful of your reply i ran it past a couple of fernds of mine one said "its shit" the other said what you did i will have to think about it, im not an athest im agnostic i say what i see and use what i know to try and come to some kind of fact uve made what i know larger so thank you.
That still dosent make me feel im wrong (i feel im over looking something here which i missed in my argument(but then sice i wrote it i felt that way)) also i wasnt out to convince any one i thought it was quite a neat little theroy for an hour sitting in my 6th form college libary and wanted constructive critcism which i can apply to it so thanks to all
on Jan 10, 2004
Yet without God, nothing would exist. God exists, and His Work is beyond human comprehension. We must ask ourselves, what is the purpose of the universe? The purpose of the universe is to hold life. That is why God made us who we are. God Must exist. There is no two ways around it.
on Jan 10, 2004
Dear Angry person. I don't mean to be offesnive but that was very ill thought out. Very nice sounding for a person who doesn't know you mean though, or even for somebody who already knows you're wrong. But let me substantiate that statement.

Imagine a geometric line. This stretches across the entire universe hence making it infinitely long. If i cut it in half, it's still infinity on both sides. infinity divided by two is still infinity. Even infinity over infinity is infinity, or at least undefined because neither are constants.

So two infinities can exist. That will suffice to debunk that theory. Take it easy and remember not every Christian is as stupid as those mindless old ladies at potlucks.

on Jan 10, 2004
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, yet I do agree with stuman, and that thoroughly amused the crap out of me. If you want me to sit and worship some nonexistant higher being, you can kiss my as.s....I think that honestly, no one in this god damned universe deserves worshipping, aside from the stupid people..be in awe that the can truely be as stupid as they are, and not notice a thing.
on Jan 10, 2004
And, if infinity is never ending, how in the *insert word here* do you multiply it?
on Jan 10, 2004
dear xwyyrenx,

god is a higher being, but he is not as remote and detached as you may think. Look around you. Explain to yourself how all that was created. You will end up going back and back to the Big bang, where a particle got to a critical mass and "Banged". (That was a very crude explanation for a very crude person ) How did that first particle get there? Also, Stephen Hawking calculated that if this critical mass was millionths and millionths off in any way whatsoever our universe would never have been formed. God is not some huge judge that hates everyone and sits on a huge pedestal somewhere up in the cosmos, he is everywhere and everything.
on Jan 11, 2004
Pefection is an abstract thought, anyhow. You only know perfection based on previous experience. If that is the case, then perhaps we, as people, have no concept of perfection because we base it upon small events in our lives. The very root of perfection could be spatial, abstract, or conceptless. If you look at an atom, it seems to have perfection; every part has a perfect meaning, a purpose. The subatomic particles, however undefined some may be, contribute to the building block of nature. Imagine our planet as a subatomic particle in this universe. Kind of makes our arguments and philosophy seem quite petty, doesn't it? But it means something to us, and in the perfection of the universe, the smallest things are little bits of the whole. Chaos is never chaos, or is it?
on Jan 11, 2004
I don't think there's a "god" in the sense we think. If you consider all religions from the beginning of time. Our idea of "god" is the newest one.
I think there's a higher power. What or who..I won't venture to guess.
Whatever you believe, is fine.
Attempting to force that belief on someone else. Not fine.

And that's all I'm going to say.

The Misfit Chick
on Jan 11, 2004
You want feedback for your writing. The spelling is so poor, it is distracting--so first of all get help with spelling. If I got what you said correctly, you said that the entire universe is God. Obviously a perfect God would not be full of imperfections. Finally, there are religions that do not consider gods to be perfect, just powerful. There are other religions that consider God to be transcendent, wich means that God is above the universe. He created it--but he isn't it. God could create a world that is perfect, but some other person could come alone and mess it up. Does this feedback help?