Well hello my friends, as i said before i disproved god in my study period today (well at least to me) and so i wrote it down so if you enjoy this kind of thing or are real bored you can tkae a look at it if you wish

Firstly lets start of with some wee things which need defining for this argument to work:
God is infinite
God is Truely Perfect
God is Immnent (as in he has the caperblitys to effect the areas withen our dimension)
God is all seeing and all Powerful
Space is Infinite
Existance is not Truely Perfect nor is it Absouloutly good (as in opposite of evil and)
So lets get this under way
For the maths bits:
God = G
Space = S
Perfect = P
Inperfect = I
Existance = E
The type face on this web page dosent support infinity signs so that shall be represented by = ¥
God (G) = Infinity (¥)
Space (S) = Infinity (¥)
If both are to co-exist then god must be every thing as you cannot have two infinite entitys in our Spatial Univers (as by defualt they are not infinite) (this idea dosent really effect god) So if god is every thing then he must be the sum of all parts with in space.
For the univers to be God then the univers must be perfect as god is perfect
For the univers to be perfect then it must not contain any imperfections (think of it as your perfect car but with a skoda badge on the front of it (it just wouldnt be TOTALY perfect)
However The existance of time cuases things to change, as there is only one true perfect form any divergance from this form would prevent it from being truely perfect (go back to the car analogy all the parts to you perfect car are the most perfect of those parts) as by something changing they must be moving away from being truely perfect.
I want to add an amendmant here after reading some posts people have made
im not claming you are and im grateful of your reply i ran it past a couple of fernds of mine one said "its shit" the other said what you did i will have to think about it, im not an athest im agnostic i say what i see and use what i know to try and come to some kind of fact uve made what i know larger so thank you.
That still dosent make me feel im wrong (i feel im over looking something here which i missed in my argument(but then sice i wrote it i felt that way)) also i wasnt out to convince any one i thought it was quite a neat little theroy for an hour sitting in my 6th form college libary and wanted constructive critcism which i can apply to it so thanks to all